Tarot Reading
These sessions delve into your innermost feelings, giving you advice on current issues in your life. Changing your life’s path for the better is now possible. Don’t leave it to chance, and get guidance you’ve been seeking regarding your family, love life, relationships, finances, career, health, and so much more. Get in touch with me for more information or book a session with me today.

Astrological Reading
I am here to bring Astrology down to earth for you. I have a passion for Astrology and have been perfecting the craft for many years. Your natal chart (a map of where the planets and stars were the moment you were born) provides me the blueprint of who you are; your personality, strengths, weaknesses, motivations and so much more.
Get back to your balanced self with this unique psychic service. Here, clients will be able to align their minds and souls, getting in touch with their own spirituality. I work with all of my clients on a deep, emotional level, to understand exactly what they require out of my services. Get in touch with me today to see what I can do for you.

Karmic and Past Life Reading
Find out about your past life, so you can get some insight into some of the reoccurring habits and behaviours or irrational fears and anxieties you face in your present life and learn how to navigate them.
This has become one of my most popular services, with clients from near and far scheduling sessions with me. During this special service, clients will be able to connect with their own spiritual guides and angels, to form a connection with the divine world. Curious to learn more? Get in touch with me to see how you can benefit from working with me today.

Services I Offer
As a professional Tarot Reader, I am pleased to share my psychic gift with all of my clients which is why I created Magha Tarot. I love to take on dares and hope to positively impact other human beings to awaken their own life goals and aspirations. Based in North London, I offer a variety of virtual psychic services to get my clients to see their own life’s potential. Find out some more information about the insight I offer, and get in touch today.